Expansive Man Transformational Retreat
We invite men of all backgrounds to come forward May 19th-22nd for a 4 day 3 night retreat held on the beautiful land of Mumsi Sylvia Shanoss in the Sachteen territory next to Lillooet lake.
It will be a profound weekend of self realization and connection. Dropping in with our own inner healer, the power of brotherhood, and of course, mother nature.
Facilitated by Vern Petty, Zachary Koop, Brian Carew, Afeef Khanzada, and Brett Mentor. We will be exploring what it is to be human, and to be embodied in healthy masculinity. Remembering our own unique power, gifts, and responsibility as leaders and protectors.
Tapping in through shadow work, sweat lodge, breathwork, martial arts, qi gong, primal movement, authentic relating, cord cutting ceremony, music, dance, and more, all while co-regulating into a deeper presence through the mirrors of each other and connection to the earth. We will be healing our wounds, expanding our expression, learning new skills, and stepping into leadership.
Enter this space, and you will not be the same person when you exit.
This retreat includes two integration calls on top of the regular Expansive Man calls for men to be supported in taking what they have learned and applying it to daily life.
We will be camping together on the land, and all food will be provided by the amazing Miguel Carillo. All dietary requirements will be able to be met. We will open the space at 12pm on Friday and go until 12pm on Monday with the option to stay later to give everyone the opportunity to get home and reset for their Tuesdays.
To apply, use this link to set up a discovery call with Vern to ask any questions and make sure this retreat is in alignment with you.
If none of the times listed work for you, send me a msg or email at vern.wellness@gmail.com and we’ll find a time that does.
If you have already attended an EM event you can also just check in with a message of your intention to apply.
Cost of the retreat is $500 early bird until May 1st, no tax and all food included. Payment plans are available if needed for select people.
Car pools will be set up. As long as you can get to Vancouver/Squamish/Pemberton we will get you to and from the land.
It’s going to be a weekend that will never be forgotten.
Are you ready for this transformation?